Living in a post-government world

The Not A Person Podcast
The Not A Person Podcast
Living in a post-government world

Little info on these podcast things. Basically the concept is I roll out of bed at 4:30AM on Friday, set up and hit record and talk into the camera. I have some notes to guide me but generally this is a total brain dump. This is not serious, all just ideas and thoughts and neurons randomly firing. In this one I get totally side tracked and don’t really touch on the main point like my notes told me to. I think the side tracks are fun though. Neat little journey. Main concept; try to think of a world without government. Try to think of a world without any sort of power structure. Imagine a world where we can all just live and let live in peace and don’t need a higher authority dictating what we can and cannot do. I end up there but not really. Like I said, just brain dumps.




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