I have to dive into politics here because things have just gone too far and I finally see a political figure in my country who is looking to right the ship. I don’t like being told what to do and I don’t agree to be governed but I accept reality and because of that I will play the game and vote in the hopes that the new government under Pierre Poilievre will step off my neck a bit. I don’t want to be backed into a corner by my own government simply because I refuse to comply with tyranny. This guy is my last hope for that.
Still an anarchist but also a realist who refuses to be pushed out of his country by weak men such as Justin Trudeau and his left wing cronies. I think everyone should be free. I don’t hate immigrants, I am not racist and am not a conspiracy nut job. I think LGBTQ rights are important, religious freedom is important and bodily autonomy is important but I also think that the government should support all that by staying out of it. So long as no one is being harmed there is no need for intervention. I am just a guy who wants to be left alone to enjoy life and I want to speak up because it feels insane that I can’t say things anymore in my own country without the risk of severe consequence. Enough it enough.
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