Why do Dogs Have to Die?

Dogs, something simple. It should be something simple. How do they get so deep into us? Every dog I have ever owned has left a deep mark on me in its passing. I have a heart full of wagging tails. Why do dogs have to die?

Why can they not live as long as we do? Imagine a world where when you were born you were given a puppy and that puppy grew along side you and lived beside you your whole life. Why do dogs have to die?

They love us so deeply, connected to us at a primal level. Studies have shown that hearing a dog breathing allows for a human to sleep comfortably in unfamiliar environments. They keep watch and part of our brain is connected to them, knows they will protect us. No matter what.

Study after study proves this, a connection between human and animal so deeply ingrained it is literally in our DNA. Why then do they have to die?

If there is a God, the fact that it let’s dogs die is proof that at the very least it is indifferent to its creation. At the worst that it hates us. A dog becomes a part of you in a way that nothing else does. When they leave a part of you leaves too. There is no denying that bond.

We have mistreated them, tested our medications on them, baited them, abused them, killed them, forced them to fight to the death. We have been utterly shitty to this amazing gift. A person who abuses a dog deserves to die, full stop. No different than a person who abuses a child, or the elderly. Death awaits those who dare harm these amazing creatures.

A gift, from nature then. Cursed to live a shorter life than their partners. God tries to force a cost on this impossible bond. Maybe dogs die because God is jealous. Jealous of the power a human and dog share. If there is a God I hate it as much as it hates me. I will do what I can to kill it, to not let it control me. To fight against it, rage against it, dogs do not have to die.

I wish I had the space, the land and the money to create a preserve. To take in the lost and abandoned. To raise a pack. To give love to these animals. If I ever make it, get the funding lined up, that will be what I do. A life of writing and caring for dogs. How perfect would that be.

I only wished they did not have to die. Not so soon. It is never enough time. Never. If you’re out there God, fuck you. I will do it myself. I can’t stop death but I can make life the best it can be. That is what I will do, and with a dog by my side I will be unstoppable.

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